Expansion programme reflects TruTac growth plan
From July 2016 TruTac will double the size of its existing premises in Westwood Business Park, Coventry and will launch a recruitment campaign to strengthen its fast-expanding team and growth plan.
“The last few years have seen rapid growth for TruTac in both the HGV and PSV industry sectors.” Says TruTac Managing Director, Terry Ramsey. “New products and services have been introduced and proved hugely popular. The company has worked closely with customers old and new to provide ever-more innovative solutions for effective compliance management and cost-efficient fleet control.”
“As we’ve been in business for over 20 years we are committed to a long-term growth plan. We’re investing and building on our formidable expertise to ensure continued success, both for TruTac and our customers alike.”
TruTac were supported in this expansion by local property consultancy D&P Holt Property, Senior Surveyor Nick Holt says “We are delighted to have assisted with TruTac’s property requirements to facilitate their expansion programme.”
TruTac has acquired Unit 6 as well as their existing Unit 5. The increased space will enabled the company to add training and other services to compliment their existing products and to enhance customer services which is something TruTac pride themselves upon.
Training courses and associated services are being increased in the coming months, including free of charge familiarisation training sessions which are being launched soon.
The TruTac team are keen to welcome all customers for a coffee at the new premises, so if you are passing please call in for a brew!